MARVEL Powers United VR
Well first i will say it is super fun! i love the game play. but of course i wish there was a purpose to what i was doing. i can fight the same guys over and over again sure, but we need a campagin. so interaction with the map more like you can pick up some things but i want to be able to knock down walls with the hulk. i know thats alot but it would be cool. I also would like to see a social hub and i would also love to be able to customize a hero or maybe make a new one like get to mix match heros abilities together into my own hero. i would love caps shield and also be able to use deadpools guns. like in the captain america the first avenger i do recommend this game if you are new to oculus it is such a fun game to play especially with friends and is so cool to show friends who have not played a vr game. So this is a great game over all. But there is alot wrong with it fundamentaly. If you are a Marvel fan, or even a superhero fan, this is a MUST BUY! However, this is a wave sh...