MARVEL Powers United VR

Well first i will say it is super fun! i love the game play. but of course i wish there was a purpose to what i was doing. i can fight the same guys over and over again sure, but we need a campagin. so interaction with the map more like you can pick up some things but i want to be able to knock down walls with the hulk. i know thats alot but it would be cool. I also would like to see a social hub and i would also love to be able to customize a hero or maybe make a new one like get to mix match heros abilities together into my own hero. i would love caps shield and also be able to use deadpools guns. like in the captain america the first avenger i do recommend this game if you are new to oculus it is such a fun game to play especially with friends and is so cool to show friends who have not played a vr game.

So this is a great game over all. But there is alot wrong with it fundamentaly. If you are a Marvel fan, or even a superhero fan, this is a MUST BUY! However, this is a wave shooter so it's not exactly for everybody. The gameplay is centered around defending points with hordes of faceless enemies, that differ every round, with 2 bosses per game, which are main Marvel villains. This is a great game, but, as fun as it is, the game is EXTREMELY bare bones. Here's why: CHARACTERS: Out of all the characters, a lot of them are copied and pasted. All of the ranged characters are unique in their own way, but all do share alot of similar gameplay elements, really making it tidious. Melee characters, such as Wolverine, Black Panther, and Hulk, are all really an aquired taste. It takes alot of room in the play space, and not to mention, melee is very broken and buggy, and can use a rework. MAPS: The game only has a handful of maps, that all get boring. LOOTBOXES: I love the lootbox system in this game. It gives the game alot of replay value. You really want that cool uniform for your favorite hero, so you grind it out. It makes the game fun in my opinion. HOWEVER: There is actually a point in the game, where you are physically unable to obtain any more lootboxes. So how do you get lootboxes after that? Well: the game physically forces you to earn LockJaw bones, which you get by completing character goals. So even if you despise playing a character, you have to play them for a mesely 4 lootboxes, assuming you complete all of the goals in one game. This is an awful mechanic. I understand it, but there should be a system where the lootboxes you earn FROM playing a character, you should only be allowed to get items FOR that character in those boxes. It seems fair, instead of forcing you to play characters you dont even want to play. WHAT IT NEEDS: This game needs more modes, perferably a campaign mode, more maps, and MORE CHARACTERS WITH UNIQUE GAMEPLAY!

This game is in dire need of new game modes and more characters to play as. Imagine being able to play as any of the fantastic four, or cable, or even venom and carnage! Or going on a grand quest to save the galaxy. the wave based game mode is fun, and the core mechanics are great, We just need more. Hopefully the defenders and some agents of shield can be added, or more X-Men. Adding some less popular character like Moon Knight or Ghost rider or Iron Fist would be VERY healthy for this game. I hope you read this Sanzaru.

1. The first experience on 1.0 game was "wow! can't believe I'm doing this!". 2. I played like 20 hours to unlock quite a few skins and moves. The game is easy, but also good for first time VR player like me! 3. Getting boring. I feel no more incentive to play anymore, so put it away for a few days. 4. Patch 1 came out! Downloaded the 55GB over 10 times over 5 nights to finally installed it. Terrible experience (guys, please don't download it inside VR, use the windows desktop app) 5. Can't beat any single game because the relays can't stand for 30seconds. Quit playing until they fix the difficulty issue. Come on! I'm not hardcore game player! Most teammates nor neither. We just want to rest in VR world and use our superpowers to smash those poor virtual characters, not looking for a difficult challenge, even some of the players do. I give you 4 stars for the good experience, the good start, and commitment to improve it, but I won't play it again until I have a true "super hero" game, not a struggling failing experience.


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