Violence, Bloodshed and CANDY!
I started playing Friday night around 10. With all my physical strength drained, I gathered all the mental strength I could and pulled the headset off my sweaty face, it was 4AM! Well done guys! The movement: Yes, it's a bit wonky at first but with a little patience I got used to it, and with a few selections I was able to modify them to my liking. An insult*? FFS get a grip. The gameplay: Love it, the warriors rolling around like "retarded monkeys*" is what makes the game for me. I lose it so hard sometimes I actually get creamed by a warrior I didn't spot. This game is hilarious to play and at the same time I'm able to feed my aggro side. It's almost like being a hybrid of the Joker and Wolverine. Changing the blood and gore setting to nonviolence is brilliant. Instead of chopping and smashing the "retarded monkeys" I get to smack them around until I see some lollipops! I hate having a game that I can't share with my kiddos, with that setting alone I can. Thanks for making that option available. Great game Freelives! *From a previous reviewer who obviously lacks a sense of humor and patience. Get a grip, it's not Skyrim.

Small Space? No Worries!(w/Note to Devs)
When I first tried Gorn it was last year on the Steam version, however I had a much larger (Garage Sized) play space so it was easy to get lost in the game without fear of hitting anything, fast forward to today and ive moved and my play space is significantly smaller, it is the "Optimal Size" according to Oculus, however I have 2 counters on both left and right from me so I cant really venture out of my Chaperone boundries to much, which for most games is not a problem, this game however I was so worried based on my previous time playing it that It would be a major issue over head swinging just to smash my hand right into the counter. NOPE NOT AT ALL! The developers have done an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING job accomodating small play spaces, with both the ability to walk and rotate with the controllers joysticks I can literally go all out in game without needing to move much at all in the real world, having a smaller space has not dappend my experiance. And also that ability to turn on "Strict Chaperone" is also a highly appreciated feature, as anyone who has played Gorn knows, when you get in the zone, your IN THE Zone lol, so to have the game pause if you reach out of the play space, only resuming after a breif countdown when your back in, is amazing!

 NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: All that being said, the 1 things that I would love to see as it would make the experiance even better, would be to have the ability to adjust the quick turn radius when using the joysticks, currently its set to a default number (which feels like it may be 45deg, im not sure), however having a slightly smaller turn radious option would be very welcomed! Love the game, this is my GO TO party game when I have company!


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